圣 Jose Water (SJW) is dedicated to delivering safe, 每天为140平方英里的100多万客户提供高质量的水. 平台登录的工作是保护水资源,促进社会的长期可持续发展. 美国.S. 环境保护署估计,公用事业系统的平均年损失率为16%. Meanwhile, SJW has an average annual water loss rate of only 7%. 平台登录的创新 water loss prevention technology helps make this possible.

See real life examples of the effects of using this technology below.

识别 leaks before they become catastrophic

When a leak first starts on a water main, water will flow through this opening and over time, the flow can increase the size of the leak. 在某一点上, 通过管道上这个孔的水压可以克服管道材料的强度,导致灾难性的管道爆裂. When pipelines fail and burst, they can cause significant damage, sometimes result in injury, and result in major disruption to the public. 早期检测和修复泄漏的好处是,它们降低了导致大量管道破裂的可能性.



REAL LIFE SUCCESS STORY当前位置位于Bird大道280号高速公路上的桥梁上的一条18英寸长的钢制主水管开始漏水,并排入高速公路. Should this have become a catastrophic break, there could have been major flooding on the freeway, hazardous driving conditions, and substantial disruption to commuters. Initial inspections proved unsuccessful in pinpointing the exact leak location, but with the use of advanced leak detection technology, the leak on the 18-inch main was pinpointed within inches of the leak. 这样一来,就可以在上下班高峰时间之外安排维修工作,并安排一个训练有素的人员进入密闭空间修复泄漏,而救援队则在现场等待,以确保一切按计划进行. 在管道破裂之前,泄漏被成功修复,修复对客户和通勤者的影响很小.

Lowering customer water bills

泄漏检测程序允许SJW捕获客户拥有的服务和相关管道的泄漏. 在客户意识到他们正在经历失水之前,泄漏检测技术人员已经在客户财产上找到了许多泄漏.



REAL LIFE SUCCESS STORY: In September of 2020 in the city of Saratoga, a leak started on a residential water line at a rate of 170 gallons per hour. 这次泄漏发生在一位客户的邻近房产上,该房产上有几个景观池塘. It had not been evident to the customer that they had a large leak, 但泄漏检测系统提醒了SJW,并帮助泄漏检测人员找到了它. By identifying it early, 客户可以避免每月在他们不打算使用的水上多花500多美元.

Decreasing damage to customer property

漏水会通过爆裂、碎片和洪水对客户财产造成重大损失. 先进的泄漏检测可以通过在泄漏很小和无关紧要的时候识别泄漏来最大限度地减少财产损失.



REAL LIFE SUCCESS STORY2020年9月,圣何塞一位客户家下面的管道开始出现了相当大的泄漏, CA. It was an approximately 160 gallon per hour leak, and because of its location, there were no visible indications or signs of leakage. 值得庆幸的是, 先进的泄漏检测技术人员能够检测到几米外的声音,并将泄漏位置与这所房子联系起来. 这次泄漏很容易造成灾难性的后果,造成重大的财产损失. Detecting it early protected the residents and their home.

Reducing disruption to the community resulting from unscheduled repair work

If leaks are not detected early and a significant break occurs, 维修工作不能提前安排,以避免在繁忙道路上的高峰通勤时间, 高速公路, and light rail routes resulting in disruption to customers. Another benefit to catching small leaks early, is that repair work is less extensive and can be completed more quickly, lessening customer impact.



REAL LIFE SUCCESS STORY2019年8月, two simultaneous large service leaks had started near the light rail system on 1st street in Downtown 圣 Jose. 这些泄漏, estimated to be leaking at a rate of 300 gallons per hour, 是否使用先进的泄漏检测技术来识别并策略性地解决问题,以尽量减少对社会的影响. If these were not caught early but instead resulted in an emergency repair, there would not have been the opportunity to plan and strategize. 除了, 泄漏可能会对轻轨系统造成损害,并导致意外的交通延误.

Sustainably reducing water loss

California will always be susceptible to drought, 气候预测预测更长时间的干旱会给平台登录的水供应带来压力, conservation has become a necessary part of living in California. Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668, both signed into law by Governor Brown, 定义室内和室外使用的城市效率标准,并解决通过泄漏最小化水损失的需求. 泄漏检测是减少水损失和可持续节约资源的重要工具.



现实生活中的发现: Analysis of recent months have shown SJW to be finding over 25 leaks a month. This rate amounts to an estimated 480 million gallons of water saved per year, which is enough water to fill approximately 730 Olympic sized swimming pools! SJW希望通过全面部署声学泄漏检测传感器来节省更多的水.

Protecting the environment and wildlife from chlorinated water discharges

痕量氯残留是饮用水的一个组成部分,需要充分消毒. When there is a drinking water leak near a creek, 氯化水有可能进入环境,对鱼类和敏感的野生动物物种产生不利影响. 因此,利用溪流附近的泄漏检测技术来快速捕获泄漏非常重要.



REAL LIFE SUCCESS STORY: In January of 2018, 透过SJW的持续漏水监察系统,发现一条12英寸的总水管出现明显漏水. 这次泄漏发生在圣何塞市国会高速公路和斑比巷交叉口附近的Babb Creek附近. 早期检测使得技术人员能够识别并修复每小时700加仑的泄漏, protecting the environment and preventing detrimental impact to wildlife.

Protecting the quality of drinking water

SJW每年投资数百万美元更换24英里的旧水管, but this does not prevent all pipelines from leaking. When a pipeline experiences a small leak, 管道内的水压可以防止污染物进入供水系统. If a leak is detected in its early stages, 在完全休息之前, the quality of drinking water is protected. 然而, in cases of catastrophic water main failure, adequate pressure cannot be maintained in the water main, increasing the risk of contamination.



现实生活中的例子: SJW has experienced large main breaks resulting in inadequate water pressure. In these unfortunate events, 作为预防措施,水务署发出沸水警告,并在整个受影响地区收集细菌样本,直到两组干净的细菌样本让饮用水司解除沸水警告. 连续泄漏监测技术最大限度地减少了管道破裂对饮用水质量的负面影响.


注意:本视频创建于2018年,其中包含一些关于该计划不再准确的信息. 到目前为止,SJW已经节省了数百万加仑的水,比这个视频中所展示的要多得多.

回到平台登录的 Advanced Leak Detection Program.