Fluoridation 信息

For more than 150 years, San Jose Water has provided exceptional customer service and maintained an exemplary water 质量 compliance record. Our primary goal is to provide water that meets or exceeds all applicable federal and state water 质量 regulations.

San Jose Water is committed to supporting public health policy as formulated by the County Health Officer. Water fluoridation is simply a process in which naturally occurring fluoride levels in drinking water are adjusted to an optimal level recommended by the California Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water. The optimal fluoride concentration for the prevention of tooth decay level is currently set at 0.7 mg/L (parts per million). SJW’s own sources of supply from its wells and surface water from the Santa Cruz Mountains contain low levels of naturally occurring fluoride.

Valley Water began delivering fluoridated water to SJW in 2016. Some customers throughout our service area are already receiving fluoridated water. We are continuing to evaluate water samples to determine fluoride levels and will provide updated information as it becomes available.

Plans for the Future

Valley Water is expected to deliver fluoridated water from all three of its water treatment facilities by 2027. When that occurs, a larger portion of SJW’s service area will receive fluoridated water. We will inform customers as new areas receive fluoridated water.

What the Law Says

California law (Section 116409-116415 of the California Public Health and Safety Code) requires water systems to fluoridate their supply if funding for capital and ongoing operation and maintenance of the system is provided by a source other than the utility or its customers. The Santa Clara County Public Health Officer, the Health Trust, and the California Dental Association have approached SJW to express their interest in fluoridating SJW’s water supply if they are able to obtain the necessary outside funding. As required and to comply with all drinking water laws and regulations, SJW must then fluoridate our water supply if the necessary outside funding is provided.

Check out the fluoride levels in your water and get more information on water fluoridation below.

Please note that SJW cannot answer your health-related questions on this topic. Please consult your health care provider regarding fluoride health-related concerns. To reach Valley Water's 氟化 Hotline, please call (408) 630-2020.

See 氟化 Concentration for Your Location

When you enter your location into the tool below, you will receive a water fluoridation number that is calculated based on a six-month running average of the fluoride concentration levels collected at the sample station nearest you. Average concentrations are updated monthly, but are expected to stay relatively consistent from month to month. 氟化 samples are collected at over 100 locations throughout the distribution system on a regular basis.

US Public Health Service recommends water has fluoride concentration levels of 0.7 milligrams per liter. In areas with fluoride concentration levels below 0.6 milligrams per liter, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association recommend that children between the ages of 6 months and 16, who are at risk for tooth decay, be prescribed a daily fluoride supplement.

氟化 Concentration

Map of location


The referenced recommendations on this page regarding fluoride concentration levels are not recommendations, 意见, or positions of San Jose Water (SJW). Nothing on this page or referenced herein constitutes any representation or warranty made, 鉴于, or implied by SJW regarding the effects, 质量, 安全, or benefit of fluoride. SJW disclaims any liability allegedly resulting from any reliance on the content of this page, any referenced information, or any referenced recommendation herein.
